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Ookla operates using a massive global infrastructure to minimize the impact of Internet congestion and latency. With over a million tests performed every day across hundreds of servers, is the ultimate resource for bandwidth testing and related information. Visit it on your computer today to find out why.
"2010-12-30 12:26","Utms","56.85000","60.60000",34479,57155,171,"Ekaterinburg","",""
"2010-12-30 12:24","Utms","56.85000","60.60000",3719,7892,272,"Nizhny Novgorod","",""
"2010-12-30 12:22","Utms","56.85000","60.60000",26917,130467,149,"Ekaterinburg","",""
Вот прям щас в СХД делал замер с телефона...)
Копи/паст в Excell и усе будет понятно...)
Это вставка из CSV SpeedTest....
---------- Добавлено в 12:34 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 12:29 ----------
Сижу HD-ролики смотрю

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Ааааааааааааааааааааааааааа.....жесть... 30 метров -250 р.